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That's right members after so many request for use to compile videos on a DVD , we have finally done it and put out 1-4 Series of DVDs. We plan on putting out 2-5 every month. Enjoy

You will be able to purchase online and immediately download our cuckold/interracial sex videos instead of having to wait for a DVD to arrive! A broadband Internet connection is required -- these are big files! A cable modem providing around 23Mb per second could take around 20 to 25 minutes to download a complete movie of typical size. Price: $22.95 per download as opposed to $27.90 + shipping and handling for the DVD. You can download these from most anywhere in the world where it is legal to download explicitly sexual content. Once downloaded, burn them to DVD and play them on your television! We do offer free, prompt technical support if you experience problems. We're here to help if needed!
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